Monday, February 24, 2020

What Does a Network Administrator Do?

Network administrators are responsible for maintaining computer networks and solving any problems that may occur with them. Typical network administrators responsibilities include:
  • installation and configuration of networks and computer systems
  • Identify and resolve any problems that arise with computer networks and systems.
  • Consult customers to specify system requirements and design solutions.
  • equipment budget and assembly costs
  • assembly of new systems
  • keep existing software and hardware and update what has become obsolete
  • monitor networks and IT systems to identify how to improve performance
  • work with IT support staff
  • provide network management and support

Typical employers of network administrators
Since almost all industries now rely heavily on computers, network administrators are needed in most companies, which include:
  • software developers
  • government
  • the financial sector
  • manufacturers
  • retailers
  • utilities
  • schools
  • college
  • hospitals
  • editors

You can search for vacancies in specialized publications such as TARGET jobs IT & Technology. Vacancies are also advertised online and by professional services and specialized recruitment agencies.

Qualifications and training required

There are paths in this career for graduates and graduates. There are some opportunities to work in network administrator roles with a history of any degree (ie, a non-technical degree); However, this is unusual. Most of the advertised network administrator jobs require a degree in computer science, software engineering or electronic engineering.
Network administrators need to understand how to connect devices to form a fast and efficient network. Therefore, it helps if graduates have experience in operating networks in specific network operating systems, perhaps in a school, university or in a company's IT department. You can also apply for industrial and summer internships.

For graduates, it may be helpful to take a short network course or network design (such as those run by Cisco), but it may not be a requirement for all employers who drop out of school. Once at work, most network administrators will study for professional qualifications.

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