Many types of managers monitor the day-to-day operations of internal staff, but it is up to site managers to manage staff traveling to customer locations. Also known as on-site service managers or on-site operations managers, these professionals are responsible for recruiting, training, and overseeing on-site operations. Site managers work for a variety of industries, especially those with outside sales agents or technicians, such as pharmaceutical companies, computer repair companies, HVAC companies, and medical equipment manufacturers. These managers use powerful observation, leadership, and analytical skills on a daily basis. They generally work full time and can work beyond the normal 40 hour commute time.
Duties and responsibilities of the site administrator
Site administrators work in a variety of industries. Private duties and responsibilities can vary, but there are several basic job-related tasks, including:
Coordination of site personnel
Site managers generally monitor the entire regional area and are responsible for coordinating site personnel to cover all clients in a particular area. The hours of the streets, and on behalf of customers and employees in the area, and customer and employee meetings.
Employer and site staff training
Site managers must hire new staff and ensure that they are well trained before they are allowed to work on the site. Site managers interview job candidates, organize new vendor training programs and participation in local rentals, and travel with new site personnel to ensure they fully understand their responsibilities.
Evaluate staff performance
Site administrators conduct periodic performance evaluations of all site personnel. They produce reports on each topic that show the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the group. Create plans to help site staff develop, monitor staff progress toward meeting the goals in these plans, and send performance reports to HR staff and senior managers.
Manage Vehicles
In most cases, the site team uses company vehicles when visiting customer sites. It is up to the site managers to ensure that all vehicles are properly maintained. They create vehicle maintenance and repair reports, schedule vehicle service schedules, and develop vehicle maintenance budgets.
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